Henderson Portraits

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#100 Days - Day 6

I have to be honest, today has not been my best day. Most Mondays aren't, which is true for a lot of us. But as I continue working on my business and photography, I'm increasingly disconnected with my day job, and that is starting to take a toll on my emotional health.

I need to start making decisions and finalizing all of my contracts, website, welcome guide, etc sooner rather than later. I feel as if I can't advertize my services until I get all of this taken care of. I do feel confident about the direction I want to take my work, and I have been for quite some time. It will involve creating almost all new portraits from scratch, but I have some great ideas I want to try.

In the near future I am going to open my studio to five sessions which will be given complimentary. This will allow me the ability to create new work for my website and advertising along with the ability to hopefully sell some products and use that money to advertise and get our name out there.